• Industrial Technology

    International publication

    Industrial Technology

    Industrial Technology is an international magazine focusing on machines, plants, components, automation, plastic, industry 4.0, steel. It contains news, information, case histories and product profiles about OeMs, technology suppliers and EPCs. FOCUSES AND ADVERTISERS Its main focuses are plants,  automation, controls, instrumentation, pumps, compressors, blowers, boilers, heat exchangers, hvac, electrical, process […]

  • Oil and gas readers

    The readers

    Oil and gas readers

    The publication reaches more than 50.000 companies operating in the Oil and Gas, petrochemical and technology sector. The distribution target is oil and gas producers, distributors, consult engineers, contractors, OeMs, EPCs. READERS AND SECTORS Its readers are companies whose activities are Oil treatment, Oil products, Gasoline Oil, Construction, Consultative engineers & […]

  • Petrochemical

    The readers


    The publication reaches 6000 companies in the petrochemical sector in Europe and Middle East. Our readers produce plastic, fuels and chemical products.

  • Automation

    The focuses


    The automation is one of our main focus. Our readers are interested in the news about PLC, automation engineering, automation control.

  • Components

    The focuses


    The publication focuses on components and instrumentaion suppliers too. Industrial valves, compressors, filters, pipes are some of our main themes.

The publication

Industrial Technology

Industrial Technology

Industrial Technology is an international magazine focusing on machines, plants, components, automation, plastic, industry 4.0, steel. It contains news, information, case histories and product profiles about OeMs, technology suppliers and EPCs. FOCUSES AND ADVERTISERS Its main focuses are plants,  automation, controls, instrumentation, pumps, compressors, blowers, boilers, heat exchangers, hvac, electrical, process […]

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The readers

Oil and gas readers

Oil and gas readers

The publication reaches more than 50.000 companies operating in the Oil and Gas, petrochemical and technology sector. The distribution target is oil and gas producers, distributors, consult engineers, contractors, OeMs, EPCs. READERS AND SECTORS Its readers are companies whose activities are Oil treatment, Oil products, Gasoline Oil, Construction, Consultative engineers & […]

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The focuses

Products and focuses

Products and focuses

The publication focuses on machines, technology, automation and components for the oil & gas and petrochemical industry, and it’s organized into product categories. FOCUSES AND ADVERTISERS Its main focuses are plants,  automation, controls, instrumentation, pumps, compressors, ventilators, boilers, heat exchangers, hvac, electrical, process units, smoke treatment, water treatment, filters, tanks, […]

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Other News


Cutting-edge electric forklift technology reshapes warehousing

by Emily Newton Like most vehicles, lift trucks usually rely on internal combustion engines. Over the past few years, however, electric forklifts have slowly gained prominence across the warehousing sector. Zero-emission forklifts may not yet be the industry standard, but they’ve seen more success than electric vehicles (EVs) in consumer […]

by × October 7, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Pompa per solidi QUANTUM i120 LP: è arrivata la rivoluzione nel campo delle pompe industriali

La gestione dei solidi rappresenta un aspetto fondamentale in molti settori industriali: è solo in questo modo che si prevengono intasamenti e viene garantita una continuità operativa. Con le pompe tradizionali, infatti, detriti di grandi dimensioni e, in generale, materiale solido spesso interrompono i processi produttivi causando tempi di fermo […]

by × September 26, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


ADIPEC offsets carbon emissions of 2023 edition

ADIPEC has moved forward on its sustainability journey by reporting its 2023 carbon emissions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and offsetting some of its 2023 edition emissions through the UNFCCC Carbon Offset Platform. As part of ADIPEC’s commitment to reducing its carbon emissions, carbon credits […]

by × September 24, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


AI and IoT Set New Standards for Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing

Today’s manufacturers are eager to explore opportunities for enhanced energy efficiency in their factories. Besides saving money, these solutions could align with their sustainability goals and reduce wasted resources. Many emerging options combine artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. What can AI and IoT technologies do for those who […]

by × September 24, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Verder Acquisisce Sauermann: sinergia strategica per la crescita e l’innovazione nel Settore HVAC-R

Verder, leader tecnologico mondiale per soluzioni di pompaggio avanzate e apparecchiature scientifiche all’avanguardia, è orgogliosa di annunciare l’acquisizione di Sauermann, fornitore all’avanguardia nel mercato HVAC-R. Questa acquisizione strategica segna un significativo passo avanti per Verder, che continua ad ampliare il proprio portafoglio prodotti e a rafforzare la propria posizione nel […]

by × September 23, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


5 Crucial Tips for Perfecting Pipe-Threading Techniques

by Emily Newton Many people do not notice the ridges and valleys — known as threads — bordering the connection points of pipes. However, for professionals such as plumbers and gas industry workers, improving their pipe-threading techniques is essential to getting better results in their work. Adding the necessary threads […]

by × August 26, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Semiconductor Industry Thrives With Advanced Automation

by Emily Newton In the fast-paced world of semiconductor manufacturing, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. Manufacturers must continually explore accessible ways to increase output, tighten quality control and tackle customers’ orders. Semiconductor manufacturing automation is the answer. By integrating it into existing workflows, employees unlock new levels of […]

by × August 26, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


4 chemical processing trends you need to watch

by Emily Newton Understanding and analyzing chemical processing trends can help decision-makers respond to changing market conditions, become early adopters of advanced technologies and more. Here are four factors shaping chemical engineering innovation and streamlining internal processes. 1. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence has moved from a relatively niche technology to […]

by × July 25, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Unlocking the Power of Thermal Diagnostics to Minimize Industrial Downtime

by Emily Newton Industrial thermography has become an important tool to minimize downtime. It is a nondestructive, noninvasive testing method that identifies excessive heat output. Since abnormal temperatures often precede asset failures, this diagnostic method supports proactiveness and quick responses. How can today’s decision-makers apply thermal diagnostics to improve maintenance […]

by × July 17, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Bilancio di sostenibilità 2023 di Scaglia INDEVA: un impegno continuo verso la trasparenza e la sostenibilità

Il Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2023 di Scaglia INDEVA rappresenta un importante passo avanti nell’impegno dell’azienda verso la trasparenza e la sostenibilità. Presentato dall’Amministratore Delegato Stefano Scaglia, il documento riflette l’attenzione dell’azienda nel coniugare la crescita economica con responsabilità ambientali e sociali, in linea con gli standard internazionali GRI 2021 e […]

by × July 12, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Innovate like you operate: integrating emerging tech into warehouse workflows

by Emily Newton Today’s warehouses are perpetually busy places. However, even with so many things happening simultaneously, these facilities usually run smoothly and efficiently — thanks to emerging technology. How can people make the best decisions when assessing how and when to use those technologies? Set a Goal and Run […]

by × June 5, 2024 × Comments are Disabled



La quinta edizione di Industrial Valve Summit si chiude registrando un nuovo primato di visitatori, espositori e numero di conferenze scientifiche  Giovanna Ricuperati, Presidente Confindustria Bergamo: “IVS ha pienamente raggiunto l’obiettivo di richiamare sempre più attenzione su un settore all’avanguardia e in grande trasformazione“  Luciano Patelli, Presidente Promoberg: “Aver richiamato […]

by × May 20, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Master the Art of Lean Auditing Best Practices

by Emily Newton Lean manufacturing is nothing new, but many organizations still struggle to embrace the practice. While the philosophy’s benefits are clear, how to implement these principles effectively is often less so. Revisiting the lean manufacturing audit is a good first step. Audits are a crucial but easy-to-miss step […]

by × May 20, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


HANNOVER MESSE 2024: “Motore per una promettente ripresa”

HANNOVER MESSE 2024: “Motore per una promettente ripresa” Con oltre 130.000 visitatori da 150 Paesi, 4.000 aziende espositrici, 300 startup e più di 300 delegazioni politiche ed economiche da tutto il mondo, HANNOVER MESSE ha efficacemente dimostrato di saper riunire il meglio delle innovazioni tecnologiche a livello globale, di essere […]

by × April 29, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


4 Long-Term Strategies for Maximizing Uptime in Automated Manufacturing

by Emily Newton Manufacturing uptime measures a facility’s active operational time compared to its scheduled operational time. Knowing how to calculate uptime and increase it is key to running a successful production plant while maintaining the current customer base and attracting new clients. Knowing how to calculate uptime and increase […]

by × April 16, 2024 × Comments are Disabled



Continua la crescita dell’evento globale di riferimento per le valvole industriali e le soluzioni di flow control, che tra un mese richiama a Bergamo l’intera supply chain      Milano, 11 aprile 2024 – Si è svolta oggi a Milano, presso la Sala Pirelli di Palazzo delle Stelline, la conferenza […]

by × April 12, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


How is Safety Training Transformed by the Power of VR?

by Emily Newton Thorough training is essential for workplace safety. Many accidents stem from avoidable mistakes, yet safety onboarding processes are often inefficient or unreliable. Virtual reality (VR) safety training could improve things. VR itself isn’t necessarily new, though most of its usage has been in consumer entertainment. Now, industrial […]

by × April 4, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


2024 World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo (WBE)

First launched in 2016, the show was originally named the Asia (Guangzhou) Battery Sourcing Fair (GBE ASIA) and has so far made 8 successful stagings in a row. Today, widely known as the World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo (WBE), it has become one of the biggest and most […]

by × March 15, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


What Are the Benefits of 3D Printing in the Sand Casting Process?

by Emily Newton Many manufacturers are turning to 3D printing as an alternative to conventional production methods. In some cases, though, this technology is best when combined with more traditional processes. Implementing 3D printing in sand casting is the perfect example. Sand casting typically involves making component replicas through machining […]

by × March 13, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


ADIPEC 2024 | Save the date

ADIPEC 2024 will be held in Abu Dhabi from 4-7 November 2024, with a renewed commitment to advancing tangible action across the entire energy value chain, accelerating decarbonisation and advancing the global energy transformation. ADIPEC will support the realisation of a cleaner, more secure, and sustainable future for all. Taking place at […]

by × March 7, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Intelligenza Artificiale ad HANNOVER MESSE: la chiave per un’industria competitiva e sostenibile

Rafforzare la propria competitività, proteggere il clima, promuovere la prosperità: sono questi gli impegnativi compiti ai quali l’industria deve far fronte oggi. Le tecnologie innovative sono la chiave per superare queste sfide. Ma in che modo le aziende possono usare in modo efficiente l’automazione, l’intelligenza artificiale, le energie rinnovabili e […]

by × February 29, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


Discover the Unique Power of Robots in Data-Driven Construction

by Emily Newton After years of slow progress, the construction industry is finally embracing digitization and Industry 4.0. Firms are waking up to the need for data-driven construction, which will change the sector for the better. However, the role of robots in that shift is easier to overlook. Compared to […]

by × February 20, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


HANNOVER MESSE 2024 | Energy 4.0 – Driver della decarbonizzazione

L’industria energetica è il principale driver della trasformazione industriale lungo la via della neutralità climatica. A tale scopo promuove il crescente utilizzo di energie rinnovabili, la decarbonizzazione del calore, la transizione verso le reti intelligenti, l’accoppiamento settoriale con altre industrie, la mobilità. Le forze trainanti della trasformazione sono l’Intelligenza Artificiale […]

by × February 19, 2024 × Comments are Disabled



      Molto più che relè, dal 1954 Finder è una realtà tutta italiana attiva nella produzione di componenti elettronici ed elettromeccanici dal 1954. La sua storia ha avuto inizio alla fine degli anni quaranta con il brevetto del primo relè passo-passo moderno, e oggi continua a evolversi. Nel […]

by × February 7, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


HANNOVER MESSE dà energia a un’industria sostenibile

Tra le maggiori sfide che l’industria deve fronteggiare oggi ci sono il miglioramento della competitività, la protezione del clima e la spinta al benessere. Le tecnologie innovative hanno un ruolo fondamentale al riguardo. Gli espositori di HANNOVER MESSE dimostreranno pertanto come le aziende possono utilizzare al meglio automazione, intelligenza artificiale […]

by × January 29, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


3 Reasons Power Transformers Enhance Grid Stability

By Emily Newton  Power transformers are essential for keeping the grid functioning smoothly and reducing blackouts by isolating faults in affected areas and keeping them from spreading. However, energy professionals play important roles in transformer functionality by performing the required maintenance and tests. People also frequently discuss transformers while determining […]

by × January 16, 2024 × Comments are Disabled


mcT 2023: l’industria protagonista Oil&Gas, Idrogeno, ATEX e Antincendio, Cyber Security | Dalla transizione energetica alla sicurezza dei processi

Bilancio positivo per la giornata mcT Oil&Gas, importante iniziativa verticale di riferimento per i professionisti impegnati nel settore del Petrolchimico e dell’Oil&Gas, dell’industria di Processo, ATEX e Antincendio, svoltasi lo scorso 23 novembre a Milano.  Eccellenti i risultati, sia in termini di partecipazione (712 i professionisti intervenuti) che di qualità degli interventi nelle numerose sessioni che hanno […]

by × December 4, 2023 × Comments are Disabled


How Does AI Make Predictive Maintenance Smarter and Less Costly

by Emily Newton Predictive maintenance has long received recognition as a critical strategy for minimizing downtime, reducing maintenance costs and maximizing the life span of industrial equipment. A relatively new offset — AI predictive maintenance — introduces entirely new possibilities. Outside of a few minor tasks, conventional maintenance tends to […]

by × December 4, 2023 × Comments are Disabled


Harness Automation for Competitive Manufacturing Cost Structures

by Emily Newton Manufacturing cost structures represent the direct and indirect expenses required for a company to produce a product. Direct cost structures include raw materials, equipment purchases and employee wages. However, there are also indirect cost structures. Although people cannot trace those back to finished products, they categorize them […]

by × November 15, 2023 × Comments are Disabled


mcT 2023: la nuova edizione il 23 novembre a Milano. Oil&Gas, Idrogeno, ATEX e Antincendio, Cyber Security

Mancano pochi mesi a mcT Oil&Gas, in programma a Milano il prossimo 23 novembre, importante iniziativa verticale di riferimento per i professionisti impegnati nel settore del Petrolchimico e dell’Oil&Gas, dell’industria di Processo e dell’Energia. Il tema della transizione energetica è sempre centrale: sebbene le energie rinnovabili stiano crescendo velocemente, il […]

by × November 7, 2023 × Comments are Disabled


How to Achieve Better Airflow Management for Effective Data Center Cooling

by Emily Newton Did you know optimizing data center cooling can be as simple as turning your server racks around? Airflow and cooling are vital for success in any data center, but achieving good airflow isn’t as complicated as it might seem. You can use a few simple strategies to […]

by × October 30, 2023 × Comments are Disabled


ADIPEC Awards 2023 honours pioneers from UAE, Malaysia, USA, and UK accelerating the energy transition

Abu Dhabi, 3 October 2023 – The ADIPEC Awards 2023 has honoured eight pioneering projects, companies and individuals who are driving transformative change across the global energy system. The winners represent companies and individuals from the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Israel, and the United States. Held under the […]

by × October 3, 2023 × Comments are Disabled