Damec S.r.l. is a company based on the twenty-year experience of its owner Danilo Maggioni, who works in the field of precision engineering and mechanics since 1981.

The company deals with the marketing and commercialization of honing tools and honing machines for deep honing processing.

Since 2014, our staff is bringing DAMEC to the success because our mission is very clear.

Damec is located in Milan (Lombardy) – Italy.


…because… Honing is a successful and very precise operation, with which you can obtain a very low and optimal roughness. It guarantees diametrical and geometrical precisions.

It is an economic process compared to the rectification (it costs 1/5 less) and you can obtain a final finest and accurate product.

We draw attention to three main points:

  • rising to national and international market constantly developing and improving the know-how, which allows our company to become more and more efficient and competitive;
  • searching and developing our solution and innovative processes in order to satisfy our customer with the best quality product and service;
  • taking care of the relationship between our customer and our team with reliability and perseverance, considering them a concrete possibility to obtain a social and professional growth.

Our main tasks are: operation with honing machines, mechanical honing process, removal of burrs, surface and bore treatment, assistance and service of your machines.

The application fields of honing are: automotive, aeronautic, hydraulic, oil-hydraulic industry and sectors where precision honing of inner bores is essential in the process of working.

Our customer’s warranty is connected to the experience of our employee/agents and high-quality products.  In conclusion, DAMEC could be considered as a concrete aim, thanks to the constant dedication and work of many people, who during the time have realised a concrete dream.

SAMPLING of your pieces at our working offices in Milan 

DAMEC S.r.l. offers to its customer the service of sampling their own pieces at its operating offices.

Through sampling and honing your pieces, it will be possible to show you our abilities and knowledges in the field of precision mechanics and engineering.

Our company is a seller of different products. The main categories are honing machines, abrasive wheels, abrasive stones, brushes, standard and multi-stone tools, mandrel, adaptor, filter, honing oil.

It follows our principal honing machines models:

HBL 530 - Vertical Honing Machine with automatic movement of the axis.

It is our new product. ( http://www.damec.eu/honing-machines/hbl-530/  )

It will be shown at MECSPE 2019- Fiere di Parma (Italy) – Pad. 3 – Stand A 39.

Abrasive wheels are divided into three subcategories: laminated, cutting and angles discs.

Our warehouse is full of available products and our technician can help you to choose the best solution for your working.

Internal and External Brushes

Internal brushes are used for deburring and improving the roughness surface of the piece.

External diameter (Ø) from 4 to 100 mm; different type of abrasive and grit.

External brushes are used for angles and plains surfaces in order to eliminate deburrs and residual of the previous works.

External diameter (Ø) from 60 to 250mm; inner hole from 12 to 32mm; different type of bristels’ material.

These products (brushes and wheels) could be bought on our e-shop: https://damecsrl.erashop.net/it/ .

Abrasive stones are essential to obtain the result

Stones are composed by a metallic support (of different size) and by an abrasive stick.

Abrasive materials are different, depending on the field of application and material to hone.

DAMEC has developed different types of mandrels depending on the working material: with hard, soft or bronze shoes. In order to have the best performance and long-life time of the tool, our company offers the possibility to produce diamond tool and guides.

The workable diameter is from 2,54 mm to max. 152,40 mm

Our company offers to its customer two types of adapters: standard adapters, which create a connection between machine and tool; special adapters, which are realised and personalized basing on technical drawing of our customer.

System of filtration is important during the mechanical operation.

We offer a wide range of filters, depending on µ; pressure; flow (mc/h); pressure; fields of applications; filtration capacity.

Get in touch!


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    The Company

     Via della Merlata, 12, 20014 Nerviano MI



  • Honing Machines (vertical, horizontal, semi- and automatic)
  • WH Series (1660-1805-2004-2010) – Semi-automatic Horizontal Honing Machine
  • LH Series –Vertical Honing Machine
  • LDH Series –Vertical Honing Machine (single pass)
  • DWH Series (2000S-4000S-6000S-8000S-10000S) –Deep Hole Honing Machine
  • MH – Manual Honing Machine
  • WHA 2004 – Automatic Honing Machine
  • HBL 530 - Vertical Honing Machines with automatic movement of the axis
  • Abrasive Stones (Borazon / CBN – Diamond – Aluminium Oxide - Silicon Carbide)
  • K – BL Mandrels
  • Adapters (standard and special)
  • HPT – Single Pass Tools (Grit: 1-1200)
  • Filter
  • PTH – Portable Honing Tool
  • Honing Tools
  • Brushes
  • Abrasive wheels (laminated, angles and cutting wheels)
  • Internal brushes
  • External brushes
  • MST – Multi Stone Tools
  • Industrial Technology Magazine is going digital!

    We are glad to announce that we will focus more on our digital services in order to provide even more value to our clients. 


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