Solar and photovoltaic panels cleaning with Green Glass

Nowadays it’s heard more and more often about the necessity of equipping house and companies with mechanisms albe to generate energy from renewable sources. Among these, solar and photovoltaic panels certainly stand out: they are increasingly widespread in our territory due to the ease of installation, the high yield in terms of energy and the modesty of the occupied space. Nevertheless, once these structures have been installed, they need a cyclical cleaning and maintenance operations, essential to make them always one hundred percent operational and to justify the investment made.

So here come into play products such as Green Glass, a detergent specifically designed for cleaning and protecting solar and photovoltaic panels. Its action focuses in particular on crystals, which absorb sunlight and protect the electronic part.

With this article, our intention is to give a complete presentation of the Green Glass product made by the company Carima, European market leader in the production and formulation of water-based lubricants and slides, for the installation of optical fibers and electrical cables. Therefore, we are going to deal with the specific properties and intended ways of using Green Glass, for the benefit of companies that choose it for their panel cleaning activities.

Green Glass, a detergent for solar and photovoltaic panels: chemical characteristics and ways of use of the product Green Glass is a solar and photovoltaic panels detergent made with a specific chemical formula.

It makes the product suitable for use on delicate and sensitive instruments, such as appliances for solar energy production. This detergent, in liquid format, is in fact not aggressive both towards materials and towards people who come in contact with it. This is possible by the relatively low pH 8.0 for products like this, which does not affect in any way any of the materials touched (aluminum and other metals, adhesives), and obviously does not damage the skin of the cleaners, in case of accidental contact during maintenance work.

Green Glass means safety: the product is certified for the indicated use and stands out for the several marks of reliability and quality.

One of its stronger point is that it is totally biodegradable: in fact it is rare to find cleaning products that are completely ecological. In fact, if dispersed in the environment, Green Glass detergent doesn’t leave any trace nor cause the slightest environmental damage. To be significant, moreover, are the effectiveness of the product and its quality-price ratio: infact, a 500 ml bottle, is sufficient to clean and sanitize a very large area, of about 60-80 square meters, corresponding to the surface of numerous panels placed side by side.

To be used, Carima's Green Glass product, which is sold in liquid format, can be dissolved in water, varying in doses and in proportions according to the needs. It’s the of versatility Green Glass that makes it suitable not only for individual buyers, who have panels installed on their houses, but above all for larger companies, whose main need is to quickly carry out maintenance work on large areas, in safety conditions and guaranteeing maximum performance in terms of quality, avoiding the deterioration of expensive panels.

Furthermore, Green Glass is distinguished for the fact that is odorless, thanks to the blue color and to the specific weight (1,000 Kg / l).

It is a product for professional use only. It should be used only when the panels are not too hot. The most indicated times for washing operations, therefore, are early morning and late afternoon.

The method of use is extremely simple: after pouring a great amount of product on the surface of the panel, leave it on for a few seconds, then wipe the surface with a soft cloth and rinse it with water (this last operation, although advisable, remains at the discretion of the operator).

The difference between before and after will be obvious!

Green Glass, the Lecco company Carima’s product: why choose it?

The reasons to choose Green Glass to clean solar or photovoltaic panels in your company are many. To explain them better, we will now present the multiple properties of this detergent. The product, first of all, has a detergent-descaling function, which make possible a quick and definitely dirty trace elimination operation.

On the other hand, the anti-halo and anti- drip properties, ensure that the panels, once cleaned, shine and don’t show any sign of imperfection. Which is also possible thanks to the antistatic function: it prevents the permanence of liquid residues. In addition, Green Glass doesn’t produce foam and removes any trace of dirt, acting both on dust and on any kind of encrustation; making the panel in the conditions of maximum functionality.

The anti-halo property, on the other side, is guaranteed by the fact that the substances of detergent are volatile: they don’t leave any visible trace after use, dispersing into the atmosphere. Among these substances, must be underlined the presence of a specific component with an antistatic function: which makes impossible for water to deposit on the panel; instead it encourages the slide and the removal from the dry surface.


The combination of these qualities makes Green Glass a perfect product for cleaning solar and photovoltaic panels, able at the same time to prevent the formation of dust and dirt. Therefore, between one cleaning operation and another, can pass longer time intervals compered to the average: this will result in a clear advantage in economic terms, allowing the company that will have the detergent supplied to save on the use of cleaning products, and above all on the use of human resources.

It’s hard to ask for better!

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