The Artificial Intelligence… inspecting differently!
Visual inspection machines have been now part of the industrial context for several years, with the aim of improving production processes while minimizing the risk of error.
Artificial vision is a fascinating and complex merging of processes that aim to create an approximate model of the real world departing from bidimensional images. The vision doesn’t consists just in acquisition of a bidimensional image of an area, but mostly in the interpretation of the content of that area. It’s the so called “image processing”. An artificial vision system is constituted by the integration of optical, electronical and mechanical components that allow to acquire, record and process images. The result of the elaboration is the recognition of specific patterns of the image for various finalities like control, classification and/or selection.
UTPVision designs, manufactures and sells automatic image processing equipments for the quality control of different types of components and large production series. Combining real time control systems with image processing systems, UTPVision guarantees both high performance and excellent stability during the whole process of control.
The distinctive element of UTPVision offer, in fact, is to control the entire artificial vision production chain, with an internal know-how relating to all five structural components of a visual inspection machine: software, mechanics, electronics, illuminators and cameras. For this reason, the UTPVision product range can cover the needs of each customer in any sector and application. From dimensional control to surface defects detection, even in very specific contexts, UTPVision systems, equipment and components are tailored made as a result of many years of experience in the digital images acquisition and processing field.
UTPVision has always been strongly oriented towards the improvement of its solutions to offer increasingly performing and reliable systems, both in terms of hardware and software.
One of the tangible results of this approach is the integration of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, which allows UTPVision systems to have a technology that twists the traditional methods of image inspection control, usually based on the insertion of thresholds manually by the operator. This new approach based on Artificial Intelligence has been proven more robust because it’s disconnected from the environment and from the process variables that required continuous adjustments of the thresholds already set in the machine. UTPVision system is in fact able to identify "objects" (with defined shape) and / or surface defects (with undefined shape) by image samples. The operator just needs to collect a series of significant samples of the defect/characteristic to be detected, and through the so-called SVL (SuperVised Learning) procedure, he can train the machine to discriminate or classify.
Another important goal in terms of innovation is a patented colour inspection system composed of bichromatic illuminators; thanks to this feature, the control procedure is more efficient and allows to reduce the so-called “false positive” (overkill, i.e. the percentage of good pieces wrongly discarded). It permits also to include in the visual inspection software an algorithm dedicated to the detection of burrs on profiles of any shape articles in deformable material, as well as the possibility to define control areas starting from a 3D CAD drawing.
Since 2008, UTPVision has been able to understand the growing demand of the industry by creating its own range of visual inspection systems, entirely developed in two Italian production sites in Albano S. Alessandro and Costa di Mezzate, Bergamo, which today manage the whole of the production. But UTPVision is also present in all regions where its customers are active. Offices, showrooms and sales agents are around the globe, bringing the expertise, experience, and dedication they deserve. This wide geographical coverage enables UTPVision to respond as effectively as possible to customers’ needs.
UTPVision infact distributes its vision systems worldwide through a broad sales network; for the Asian area, which today is the reference market after the Italian one, there is a subsidiary and a showroom in Shanghai with sales and technical staff dedicated to local customers; eventually in North America UTPVision has just launched a new branch in Hanover, near Boston in Massachusetts. Wherever our clients are, our trusted support isn’t far, also thanks to a branded remote technology software installed on the machines.
Get in touch!
The Company
UTPVision S.r.l.
Via Tonale, 9 24061 Albano S. Alessandro (BG)
T. +39 035 4521465

KaliX: Machine for dimensional control of circular and generic pieces
KaliX 500: Machine for dimensional control with Ø 500 mm field of view for circular and generic pieces
MiniMatliX: Automatic visual inspection machine with single table for very small O-Ring and generic pieces
MatliX: Automatic visual inspection machine with single table for small O-Ring and generic pieces
PhoeniX: Automatic visual inspection machine with single table for O-Ring and generic pieces
ScrappiX: Automatic visual inspection machine with double table for O-Ring and generic pieces
BigX: Automatic visual inspection machine for O-Ring and similar pieces of medium size in rubber
SqueezeX: Automatic visual inspection machine with single table for O-Ring and general pieces in rubber to detect close cuts
RollinX: Visual inspection system for balls and spheres
Pharma: Visual inspection machine for dimensional and surface defects control in pharmaceutical packaging sector
LoringX: Visual inspection equipment for dimensional and of the surface defects control of big size O-Rings
ProfiliX: Machine for the automatic in-line inspection of surface defects on rubber and plastic profiles
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