MEP GROUP: The Labour as Masterpiece of the Human Life in an organizational ambidexterity

Virus and war, sad pandemics are a valid framework to challenge the epistemology of the black swans and find evidence in the successful capabilities to overcome unexpected, unforeseen, and unpredictable difficulties by M.E.P. Macchine Elettroniche Piegatrici S.p.A.: the rebar machinery corporation, founded on February 8th, 1966, located in Reana del Rojale, UDINE, North-Eastern Italy. In the statement of the MEP CEO – Vito Rotondi, economist: <<the secret to overcome any all the difficulties must deal with People daily and we are confronted by the same questions time and again: decision, motivation, result, gratification, team, organisation, change, efficiency, improvement, technology, digital and human platform of governance…
The solution is: Labour as Masterpiece of the Human Life, for MEP being able to keep the powerful balance between innovation and stability, to retain and increase competitive advantage by the key one of market leadership. If we encounter chaos, models help to decrease the complexity and structure an overview of it: The Labour and the Technology represent the memorable way and subject of our successful thinking process, on an ethics-digital platform overperforming the business pipeline model>>.

MEP in 2015 was ranked ELITE Company at LSEG Borsa Italiana, today ELITE at EURONEXT, awarded the 3rd Star Legal Certificate by Competition Market Authority (AGCM-Antitrust), certificate BUREAU VERITAS ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and SA 8000 on the Social Accountability Management System for ethics and sustainability. MEP received high honours, awards for the Corporate Governance, Technology, Communication, HR, Ethics, Innovation and Finance. MEP scored the Financial Rating A+ from the Moody’s RiskCalc analytics. In the MEP CEO idea: <<the ethical honourable compliance of the remarkable Corporate Governance provides a compounding successful society-profit-competition environment where multiple factors, also rules, economics, and finance, could be explained to earn a competitive advantage, the trust to give a true representation of reality to the community of the stakeholders>>.
MEP is the main leader brand in 128 Counties for turnkey rebar (reinforcing bar)-processing industrial machinery and plants, Technology Solution Provision for civil construction and large public investment. Since the beginning with the first worldwide patent in 1967, MEP further improved its strong R&D technological connotation guaranteed by the full Organisation on an integrated enterprise-corporate-business platform. The MEP Digital Academy, together with the MEP Business School founded in 2016, support the digitalisation of processes. The Sales Digital Streaming replaced the fairs and the visit to the showrooms in the world, Virtual Reality, IOT, AI belong to daily activities, with the value creation drivers of the HR Capital, the HR Heritage, the HR Future in the words of the MEP CEO – Vito Rotondi: <<the strategic and social recommendation for the Labour as Masterpiece of the Human Life in an organizational ambidexterity is the key setting of the “Highlander” competitive-profitable- social advantage. >>.

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