Let’s get straight to the point. If you have something to assemble, you just need to know that we have always been recognized for one truly rare gift: genius.
Authentic lateral thinking that, for forty years, has allowed us to design and build highly performing and competitive customized assembly machines for manufacturing companies from all over the world in the automotive, electromechanical, hardware and accessories for furniture, taps and valves, jewellery and watches, household appliances and many more.
Solutions that guarantee our customers tangible benefits: the satisfaction of having a high and constant production efficiency and the peace of mind of a quick and safe return on investment. Our machines are in fact “Ready To Run”, that is, ready to be easily transported and installed anywhere in the world and designed to minimize any type of machine downtime. The delicate installation phase takes on average only two days and the ramp-up only 4 hours.
While during the entire production cycle, you can count on the speed of production changes that last no more than a few minutes, or in some cases that are instantaneous, with simpler and therefore faster maintenance interventions. Finally, if the production requirement changes, Cosberg assembly machines can be easily reconfigured in a very short time.
Our solutions are also focused towards sustainability, our assembly machines are equipped with systems that monitor and reduce energy consumption as well as identify any pneumatic leaks. This means, for customers, cost control and zero waste.
To all this, is added the ability of our machines to be flexible and destined to become – over time – autonomous, i.e. able to find solutions on their own in the event of unforeseen events or anomalies.
Genius, long experience in various sectors and over 10% of our revenue constantly invested in Research and Development allow us to guarantee customers these results.
And we can demonstrate it concretely, with facts.
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