DIAMEC Technology performs mechatronic integrated systems for assembly and test industrial processes for different typologies of products.
Founded in 1979, the company now competes on the international markets, and can boast among its customers the world leaders of different productive sectors like: Automotive, Cosmetic, Electrical Tools, Electrical Appliance, Logistics.
Products performed by DIAMEC Technology are designed and manufactured in a custom-made way like a “Mechatronics Tailoring”.
DIAMEC Technology mission is “Customized Techno- logical Innovation”.
The final goal is to increase and share know-how and innovative ideas with our partners, in order to optimize efficiency, safety and quality of our solutions.
DIAMEC Technology employees’ average age is about 32 years. Then DIAMEC Technology technical laborforce is represented from young talented with related specific know-how in mechatronics, electrical
and fluidic systems and software development.
DIAMEC Technology is steadily committed to the development of home and international research projects, by cooperating with important polytechnic institutes and research centers, by exploring new industrial innovation areas and by contribuiting, trough technology, to improve life quality.
The goal of R&S team, that develops research projects either on his own or on customers’ request, is to add value to DIAMEC Technology’s tailor-made solutions and, at the same time, to make possible that every research activity might be changed into experience, and consequently into expertise, for everybody.
DIAMEC Technology represents a meeting point where industry, research centers, and polytechnic school are involved, with passion and energy, in a
new knowledge construction, aiming to innovation creation.
Innovating means changing; changing means to think about future with strength and imagination, keeping in mind the target of continuously broadening one’s own horizons, by creating new relations and opening
oneself to different possibilities.
“Innovation consists in seeing what everybody has seen and thinking about what nobody has thought of“ - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Diamec echnology s.r.l. has been certified by RINA
Services with the following certifications:
•ISO 9001: 2015 Edition
•SA 8000: 2014 Edition
Get in touch!
diamec- Get in contact now
The Company
Diamec Technology Srl
Via G. Nickmann 12/A BARI Z.I.
Phone 080.5383572


DIAMEC Technology specializes in the design, construction and installation of integrated systems and special machines for the automation of industrial processes of assembly and testing, handling and logistics, process control, marking and data tracking, in various production sectors: Automotive, Cosmetics , Food and Electric .
The products developed by DIAMEC Technology are designed, manufactured and developed "tailor-made" : we like to be considered a "Technological Tailoring" , ready to find special solutions for the specific needs of its customers.
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