Carima’s one and two-component products for electrical insulation
When talking about electrical insulation, a distinction must be made between one-component and two- component products.
The substantial difference between the two types of products lies in their formulation and method of application and use. Single-component products contain only one material, which does not have to be mixed with other compounds to be used in the electrical insulation application.
A single-component product, therefore, is ready-to-use and does not require any special processing. In contrast, two-component products, as their name suggests, are composed of two elements that must be mixed together in order to be applied, and to activate the curing process, for electrical insulation work.
Initially, the two components appear in liquid form, but once mixed, due to the polymerisation reaction, the solution hardens.
The company’s products: liquid rubber
The company Carima offers various products in terms of electrical insulation. These include liquid rubber, which is used to fill electronic components; it is an innovative product consisting of a two-component silicone with a 1:1 mixing ratio.
Among its main characteristics is a reduced viscosity before polymerisation; once it becomes hard due to the polymerisation reaction produced during mixing, the liquid rubber still retains its initial shape, without shrinking.
In order to have a homogeneous and efficient mixture, you will need to carefully mix an equal weight between part A and part B and stir for about two minutes. After that, you can pour the compound into the surface that requires protection.
After curing is complete, the product is hard like shoe rubber and will take on the shape of the container. The colour is green and does not allow the coated contents to be seen.
Soft Gum and its high efficiency for electrical insulation.
The company’s second product is Soft Gum, which is even more efficient than liquid gum and its single component. Soft Gum is transparent, is easy to mould and can be reused because it does not change consistency and does not polymerise. Once purchased, it is ready to use, which means that it does not have to be mixed with other components. Its consistency guarantees zero release of dirt and grease on the surfaces to which it will be applied.
Soft Sil Gel: how the latest product offering differs
With regard to the company’s third proposal for electrical insulation, Soft Sil Gel, it must first be specified that it is a two-component silicone product. Here too, it is important to combine parts A and B equally and mix to obtain a soft, transparent and easy-to-apply consistency.
This step is crucial because if the two components are not mixed in equal quantities, the promised result will not be achieved.
Attention must also be paid to possible alteration while the product is not being used, so keep Soft Sil Gel sealed in a special container and away from agents and substances that could compromise its consistency, such as clay, phosphorous, arsenic or sulphur-cured rubbers. Polymerisation is particularly fast: it will take about 15 minutes after mixing, so it is advisable to mix the two compounds A and B well in the jug supplied with the kit and quickly pour the product so that polymerisation takes place in its final location.
The main characteristics of Soft Sil Gel include low viscosity, transparency and perfect adhesion.
What are you waiting for? Contact the company Carima now and inquire about the selection of products on sale for electrical insulation!