Product data in one single environment
MyTidy PIM handles and distributes product information, by automising catologue management.
The results? Better data coherence and simplified processes.

MyTidy PIM is a digital platform that brings product information and procedures regarding commercialising and marketing these products together in one environment.
It is meant for both S ME s and large corporations that need to organise, distribute and optimise the digital product management cycle. The platform is modular and progressive, so it can be customised to reach specific company goals.

The main modules are :

The digitally distributed catalogue
O ften product information, characteristics and specifics are to be found on printed or digital support means that clients may struggle to consult. MyTidy PIM solves this problem as it collects , integrates, publishes and distributes this information digitally, by following an authorisation/authentication flow.
The admin interface
Many internally used systems contain information about commercial and administrative data and processes, but are not suitable for the distribution of product specific information. To obtain this
integration an inteface is needed.
The e -commerce B2C/B2B Module
The MyTidy PIM e-commerce module can be integrated and customised so that it fits the corporate processes that are in place: a B2B and a B2C version are avalable; it is fully adaptable
to the users’ needs and off ers an improved buy ing experience.
Physical & omnichannel selling points
The company can handle all physical and digital contact with clients and prospects centrally.
Agents and corporate data Agents can access all corporate data when they are interacting with clients via mobile devices, improving the ordering phase.
API integration
Using the API integration module, companies can ex tend, broaden and improve workflows; the result: work flow management and proces s automation.
