Italian temperature sensors at a glance
Our Bruino (TURIN ITALY) facility turns out RTD and thermocouple type temperature sensors.
The thermocouples are available in the classical version with calibrated wires and insulators or with MgO (magnesium oxide) insulation both in base and noble metal.
Assembled to DIN, ASTM, CTI-UNI specs. The RTD’s in the 50- 100-1000 Ohm series at °C assembled inside protective sheaths according to requirements of use and insulated with ceramic insulators or with MgO (magnesium oxide) insulation. Assembled to DIN, UNI specs. In both cases, product lines are available according to use (standard series, TSM series, MgO series for aerothermal recordings, full cable series, etc.).
We are renowned for our versatility and fl exibility and are able to supply custom designed products adapted to specific requirements and with the precision requested by the customer.
All our products are subject to a process control system that makes it possible to apply a FULL TESTED procedure that guarantees functional testing of each single product before this is declared suitable.
Our production activities are flanked by a set of services including the sale of instruments, Accessorieses such as extension cables for thermocouples and RTD’s, compensating cables, Connection heads, linearized temperature and pressure transmitters, infrared measurement instruments. Our calibration laboratory means we can issue calibration certifi cates in the range –30 to + 1064°C with ACCREDIA traceability.
-Standard temperature probes
Different type of temperature probes for any industrial application, that is possible to order following the guidelines of our catalogue.
•Standard thermocouple serie
•TSM sereies
•Mineral insulated serie, thermocouples
•Mineral insulated serie, RTD’ s
•Mineral insulated serie, thermocouples with connecting head
•Mineral insulated serie, RTD’s with connecting head
•Full cable serie, thermocouples
•Full cable serie, RTD’
Duct e pipe aerothermic probes
• Bayonet fitting thermocouples
• Bayonet fitting RTD’ s
• Compression fittings
• Thermowells
• Micro thermocouples
• Extension for thermocouples and RTD’ s
-Custom designed products
Thermocouples and RTD’s for specific applications in the following sectors:
• Automotive
• Avionics
• Marine
• Chemical
• Food
• Petrochemical
• Cement and klinker industry
Most of these products are specifi cally designed to the customer’s specifications and are produced according to the test standard based on the FULL TESTED procedure.
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