The standard that didn’t exist

“The standard that didn’t exist”. With this claim, Bett Sistemi summarizes its mission which, since its origins, has marked its decades of corporate history. The passion for “standardizing” in fact began in 1980 with the company called MarBett, specialized in the production of standard components for bottling plants and, since 1994, continues under the Bett Bistemi brand, whose core business is the production of standard components for flexible automation in general.

Born in the heart of the Packaging Valley, Bett Sistemi has been passionately supporting its customers for 25 years, realizing their projects through an excellent process engineering, which integrates the Bett original components standard with the latest technologies (with over 1.5 million euros of investments in new machinery and equipment in line with Industry 4.0), to create static structures, protections and safety guards for automatic machines and dynamic structures for handling goods.

From a constant commitment to research and development aimed at achieving “the Standard we all needed”, a range of over 12,000 original components have been created, which can be integrated into all company processes and can also be used today in realizing projects compliant with the standards of Industry 4.0.


+ 500 New Original Components included in the catalog

+ 1,600 Static Structures

+ 700 Dynamic Structures

+ 16,000 Hours of Process Engineering in support of the projects/products of our customers

THE NEW BETT SISTEMI “FORMAT CHANGEOVER” LINE was born from the years of experience and capabilities of the expert engineers at Bett Sistemi. We paid attention to changing market demands and developed them into a set of new standardized components. Industry experts refer to us as the “Specialists of Format Changeover”, a title reserved for the only company in the world that brought to market a standard format changeover system.

Designed for a quick format change, this system features unparalleled compactness, speed, and repositioning precision. This allows us to reduce machine downtime by up to 80% and exponentially increase productivity. We did not stop there, though. In order to further increase efficiency, the system can be fully motorized and controlled remotely. The exceptional Italian design and engineering incorporated in our products is sure to bring years of worry-free operation to your facility.