Fast Change, Mini Motor innovation for format changeover

A new line of brushless motors for fast format changeover to guarantee efficaciousness and safety Mini Motor, Italian company headquartered in Emilia’s motor valley, has been designing and producing electric motors for the industrial sector for more than 55 years.
Present all over the world through its own branches in Europe, the USA and the UAE, and a network of authorised dealers, Mini Motor makes innovation and new products development its flagship.

Fast Change line
Mini Motor new line of motors stems from the company’s experience and ability to listen to market’s requirements.
Thought for fast format changeover, these motors feature compactness, remote control, speed, efficaciousness, and safety along with real space and time saving. In fact, despite their small size, speed rotation is higher, the double in comparison with competitors’.
This peculiarity enables format changeover in half standard time, thus increasing machine productivity. In addition to this, their electronics allows parametrization and diagnosis, also remotely, thanks to a USB cable that can be easily connected with the PC, thus granting both control and monitoring of product functioning.
That is predictive maintenance field, crucial to companies since it is just thanks to constant monitoring of motor parameters that timely assistance
is possible, avoiding stopover and spare parts.
That is a plus adding to the many advantages already described.

FC3 and FC6, the new frontier of format changeover
The Fast Change line consists of two motors: FC3 and FC6 that differ on reduction speed, while product features remain outstanding in both motors.
Consisting of a gear and brushless motor, supported by 5 of the most common field buses and provided with a universal jack, the motors emerge as a oneof-a-king opportunity for companies working with format changeover. Once again, not only does Mini Motor meet a market’s requirement, but it also goes above and
beyond its own innovation creating a product that can truly improve work in companies and fill the gap with competitors.

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