“ALBERTI: Over the Top Line”
Alberti started the business of angle heads over 40 years ago and soon became internationally known thanks to the high quality, precision and reliability of its pro
ducts. Alberti offers a wide range of standard heads and customized solutions as per customer’s requests. The technical know-how gained by Alberti is based on a constant search for new materials and processes as well as the immense care devoted to the design from the manufacturing stage through to final assembly. With these characteristics, Alberti successfully introduced and sold their “MADE IN ITALY” products the world over, becoming a market leader in this sector.
Beside a wide range of standard heads proposed (90°, adjustable or offset angle heads), Alberti technical team provides customers with all the necessary knowledge and experience to develop special tools, purposely studied according to customers’ requests. Using 2D and 3D programmes, technicians assess the most suitable solution, followed by an implementation phase of the prototype and its installation on the machine, where necessary. Afterwards, they also take care of the product in the after sale, maintenance and repair phase.
The main strong points of Alberti heads are certainly the integral taper in the Control line, which allows unequalled machining stiffness, 25% higher than an inter
changeable taper, and the modular iron head. Thanks to its characteristics, it allows a 50%-lower expansion than steel and by 20% compared to aluminum, absorbing a good part of vibrations and maintaining better di mensional stability while machining. Its use has always been exploited for manufacturing by primary machine tool brands. Upon the constant demand by a market that exacts more and more performing products for increasingly accurate operations, they have developed the Top Line range. These heads are going to represent the future solution for several special applications used in the most important industrial sectors. In fact these heads are able to reach maximum speeds of 12,000 rpm, with internal coolant up to 100 bars and possible dry turning. These new heads are actually able to enclose high speed and high pressure in the same “casing” of standard heads, without therefore modifying the overall dimensions, and they are available in different size, from Weldon diam.4mm to ER-40 collet output. Thanks to these features these products can be well applied in several sectors such as aerospace and aerospace, automotive and oil&gas.
Find more info on www.albertiumberto.com.