Italian reality for the world industryHubo Automation, located not far from Milan and in the heart of one of the major industrial hubs of Northern Italy, is a company that has been dealing with every aspect of automation for more than 30 years. It has accumulated a remarkable technical and cultural background and is present in all continents. Automation for painting, construction of assembly islands, machine tools application, installation of anthropomorphic robots in various industrial sectors are just some examples of HUBO Automation’s production versatility.We provide in-house mechanical and electrical design, from software drafting up to machinery assembly. This is thanks to a group of very close-knit and professionally trained collaborators. I am one of the two founders: I take care of the financial part and am strongly oriented toward finding out about possible future scenarios in order to try to anticipate market developments. I have envisaged medium-long term scenarios and come to the conclusion that there is no alternative to the increasing of automation, which is a fundamental step for Italian companies in order to be ready for the upcoming market recovery. The current situation, although due to health and non-financial reasons such as that of 2008/2012, has many aspects in common: those who, during the last crisis, were bold enough to invest, were consequently able to respond immediately to the growing demands of the market, while those who were afraid and did not adjust to the situation, had to chase after customers who had meanwhile switched to alternative suppliers. We must not forget that offshoring to far Eastern countries has suffered the blockage of international trade due to the current pandemic and has consequently blocked the global market. The concern that situations such as the one we are experiencing may present themselves again, sees an increasing number of companies planning to move a good part of their production back into their borders. All the more reason to consider strengthening automation. Economic theory says that, in the long run, the effects of automation will be positive, but economists remind that “the long run risks being very long”. If experts’ forecasts about how the pandemic will accelerate automation processes turn out to be correct, it will become increasingly important to understand how to make this long term as short as possible. In these last months, thanks to the large use of smart working, HUBO Automation has developed new software and designed new technical solutions to be ready to face the the challenge that will involve every production sector.