With over 30 years of history, SSE has been successfully operating as a trustworthy EPCC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning) solution provider, evolving from the design of turbomachinery control systems to the development of cutting-edge solutions for the oil and gas (onshore & offshore), petrochemical, refinery and power generation industries, completing thousands of engineering and installation projects worldwide. Our core business is to deliver turn-key engineered solutions by providing customized products, consultative engineering and services approaching the new era of digitalization.
Waukesha INNIO Group and SSE S.p.A. – Sirio Solutions Engineering Partnership Agreement SSE officially became part of Waukesha family as PlatinumPackager /Distributor. With this agreement, SSE officially enters the gas engines, small scale power generation and gas compression market, with a primary role and through its global localization and well routed network it aims to become one of the most strategic partner of Waukesha in the next coming years.
Service Remote Support, Being the health and safety of our employees, customers, partners and suppliers always our highest priority, during this period of lock down and travel restriction, SSE immediately rearranged and adapted its organization and testing platforms, to remotely guarantee customers required support and the successful Software Validation and Factory Acceptance Test completion. Thanks to a priceless pull of multidisciplinary senior engineers, SSE is also able to provide Customer with a Remote Support during pre-commissioning, commissioning, start-up and troubleshooting phases of their projects.
SMART Training, SSE has a complete portfolio of training solutions to meet Customer’s needs through Technical and Managerial Training at Site, Customer’s Headquarters or SSE premises. More than this SSE has a training Center, designed and built to offer a holistic Remote training experience in multiple languages (English, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, French, Arabic, Spanish). Small Scale LNG SSE can proudly present an interesting list of executed SSLNG projects representing a perfect mix of activities in all the different phases such as, conceptual feed, feed and cost estimation, equipment selection and supply, commissioning of the systems, start-up/troubleshooting/process optimization and operation. SSE has in house expertise and proprietary tools to develop any process simulation for feed gas treatment ( Heavy hydrocarbons removal, purification with Amine absorb system and dehydration with Molsieve Dryers ), for the liquefaction process based on Mixed refrigerant or nitrogen cycle and We can elaborate all the associated detailed engineering and material supply as well as consultative support.
Centrifugal Compressor Process Control Solutions SSE Anti-Surge controller, process load controller, load sharing, choke controller, quench controller software solutions guarantees solid protection and smooth regulation of centrifugal compressors, featuring advanced fallback strategies to improve machine availability. Its core algorithm is based on state-of- the-art invariant coordinate system, to guarantee the best performances in all process conditions, while real-time process indications are displayed on tailor-made video-pages. In specific applications, AS Controller takes advantage from an integrated PLC implementation of BWRS Real-Gas Theory, which can evaluate, in real-time, all main thermo-dynamics gas properties (compressibility, heat capacity ratio, enthalpy, etc.) in order to improve AS algorithm accuracy.
Cyber Security Solutions Our goal is to be a Leading Digital Industrial Provider of Turn-Key Solutions with a Global Mindset combined with Local Operation. SSE can guarantee a complete portfolio of Cyber Security Solutions: Assessment, Design, Implementation and Maintenance.