Leica cleanliness solution: Identify contamination sources quickly

2-in-1 system for visual and chemical analysis of particles at the same time During cleanliness analysis, there is no time to waste getting right to the source of contamination. The Cleanliness Expert solution from Leica Microsystems now offers you even more extended particle analysis.
It not only automatically detects, counts, analyzes, and classifies particles in terms of their risk to cause damage, it will also determine particle composition simultaneously. Now you can save up to 90% of your time when looking for the contamination source.
Additionally, you can do all of the analysis in one workplace.
Why does that matter?
In seconds you can have all the relevant information to find the source for the particles that have an effect on the performance and lifetime of your products. You can eliminate them faster to conform to ever-more-strict VDA 19 and ISO standards. Locating the particle source in less time leads to a more cost-effective cleanliness analysis, as well.
How is that possible?
With the combination of microscopy and laser spectroscopy. A LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) system is integrated into the Leica microscope, DM6 M, running the Cleanliness Expert software. This 2-in-1 solution enables you to do both visual and chemical analysis with a single instrument.
As a result, you reduce your cleanliness analysis workflow to one step and avoid costly downstream analysis done with methods like electron microscopy (SEM/EDS).
Your advantages with the new Leica cleanliness solution:
•Find the contamination source faster with rapid chemical analysis
•Keep all steps in-house to save expense and time
•Minimize or eliminate extended analysis with SEM/ EDS:
– No added filter sample preparation nor transfer to other devices
– No relocating the region of interest nor system adjustment

Spend less time and effort doing cleanliness analysis.

Find out more online about our Cleanliness Expert with LIBS 2-in-1 solution:

Or contact your local Leica Microsystems representative for details : https://www.leica-microsystems.com/contact/contact-us-online/
