Far in the 1955, mechanical testing labs saw the “first testing revolution”: the hydraulic technology was applied for the first time on a testing machine. After six decades, we’re going to meet the “second testing revolution”: the electrical technology is ready for disrupt the hydraulic in the worldwide labs. STEP Lab was born in 2009, as a pioneer of this revolution, from the first day it started with studying and developing dynamic and high load testing systems based on electrical motions. STEP Lab is focused on technologies that could replace the older one oil-based in an efficient and high performing way. The product range currently is divided on two main families:
- Electrodynamical actuators, based on high dynamic linear motors. This technology is the best on the market for:
o Dynamic tests on position and force control-loop, with test frequency greater than 200 Hz, and acceleration above 910 m/s2 (93 g);
o High strain rate tests;
o Reproducing in-lab the acquisition of time history with high dynamics, for example the loads applied on a downhill’s fork or on a motorbike’s suspension.
- Electromechanical actuators, based on special ball screw, specifically developed for the testing applications. This technology is the best solution for:
o Dynamic tests on position and force control-loop, up to 35 Hz, with acceleration up to 20 m/s2;
o Static tests on position control-loop;
o Static tests on force control-loop (creep tests).
Currently the electromechanical actuator’s product range cover a wide force range: from 1.5 kN to 225 kN of dynamic force and from 5 kN to 195 kN of static force. The maximum dynamic load reached by STEP Lab electrodynamical actuators is 40 kN, greater than the values reached by the competitors!
Last but not least, STEP Lab is an important producer of DROP WEIGHT TOWER for impact tests.
What are the pro & cons given by the “electrical testing machines revolution” versus the old hydraulics systems? They are collected in the next chart.
STEP Lab plans to attend to some important fairs and events, the most important is organized by STEP Lab at the Aschaffenburg Technischen Hochschule on 11th March 2020. It is possible to take part for free. Registration is required by sending email to info@step-lab.com or filling the form on the website www.step-lab.com. During this event STEP Lab will show his linear motors machine running, focusing on the performances and the testing software’s features.