CSICO C.Si.Co., Computer Sight Company, operates in the information łechnotogy fietd

C.Si.Co., Computer Sight Company, operates in the information technology field with significant in the industrial area. C.Si.Co born within the Group F.A.R. where he developed the first projects.
Now supports the Group but it’s a completely independent company.
Our mission is to supply a highly avant−garde technology service, employing the best skills of our strategy:


We focus on the latest automation technology innovations by studying the newest solutions and products. This allows us to develop and deliver the best solutions for our partners in terms of price and performance.


We managed to consolidate several partnerships with carefully selected companies, specialized in collateral services, in order to deliver different proposals ranging from a simple program to a funny equipped plantƒmachine (electrical, mechanical and soGware solution) with worldwide commissioning at competitive costs.


We are not entirely associated to any specific technology, in order to focus on customized solutions which better attune our customers’ needs rather than forcing them to choose sponsored tools.


C.Si.Co.’s engineers are carefully trained both from a theoretical and practical point of view, results of a path developed over years of experience.


C.Si.Co.’s team in composed of engineers with solid knowledge, proven motivation and zeal in work.
C.Si.Co. boasts of the technological know−how to solve dificult integration requirements between various levels of production (field data capture, standalone machine control, process cell control, plant control, OP, HMI, MES, up to the integration with ERP).
Some industry fields we have worked in: Foodƒwine industry, Tobacco, Chemicals, Telecommunications, Machine Tools, Building Automation.
Some relevant references: Parmalat, Montorsi, F.A.R., Philip Morris, B.A.T.
Some of our skills:


several developments of firmware for microcontrollers of different companies (Motorola, Intel) PLC / DCS we created numerous control system, from a simple standalone machine to a complex system made of up to 40 stations on network and 12,000 IƒOs with equipments of different brands.
PC we developed several supervisiory applications, both on SCADA (iFix, WinCC, Intouch, Movicon) and native (C++, VB6 and now java and C #.NET).
C.Si.Co. is the deal partner for companies that believe in technology innovations as core element of a strategy able to overcome the contemporary challenges.