Hytek S.r.l. world leader in the marketing of products for the primary treatment of water, has been in operation for almost 30 years and is widely appreciated and recognised by the market and by the installation sector.
In the world.
Hytek S.r.l. is present all over the world thanks to the many partners, ofices and warehouses (Serbia, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia) ensuring a strong presence with products and technical know−how.
Thanks to extensive investment in recent years Hytek has placed customer satisfaction as its primary objective.
In listing the economic efforts taken up (the search for products and qualified suppliers, frequency and speed of deliveries, flexibility, a competent service of technicalƒplanning assistance, a massive warehouse of about 4500 square metres), we feel ourselves, somewhat ambitiously and not without pride, to be the bearers and definers of a voice in an ever more demanding market, that wants to give added value to products purchased at competitive prices.
And it is probably for this reason that large producers, leaders in the water treatment sector, like Dow Chemicals (Dowex ionic exchange resin and Filmtec membranes for inverse osmosis processes), CodeLine (pressure vessels for inverse osmosis membranes), Pentair Water Int. (Structural fiberglass tank, Siata and Fleck valves), Fedco Pumps (leader in the design, manufacture, of high pressure pumps and Energy recovery for brackish an seawater RO systems), Grundfos (Eficient pump solutions for all purposes), First Light Technologies, Inc. (leading manufacturer of both low −185 and 254nm wavelengths − and medium pressure UVC lamps) and NALCO (leader in the RO chemical products) have believed in Hytek, trusting us with their distribution and thus forging a partnership on the highest level.