Designing and manufacturing replacement hydraulic components parts for mobile equipment

The story of B&C Hydraulics started when the company was founded in 1990 and began designing and manufacturing replacement hydraulic components parts for mobile equipment. Accredited with the internationally recognized ISO 9001 quality management standard since 1999, the B&C Hydraulics product range now includes quality, competitively priced: vane pumps, gear pumps and in-line valves.

Vane Pumps:

Versatility, power, compactness and low running costs are the main characteristics of B&C Hydraulics vane pumps. All the components subject to wear are contained in a cartridge unit that can be easily removed for inspection and/or replacement without disconnecting the hydraulic pump from the circuit, drastically reducing expensive machine down time. The cartridge contains a rotor, vanes and inserts, a cam ring and two covers. During operation the rotor is driven by a splined shaft coupled to the drive unit. As the rotation speed increases, centrifugal forces, in combination with the pressure generated behind the vanes, push the vanes outwards, where they follow the

profile of the cam of the ring with a sufficient contact pressure to ensure adequate hydraulic sealing. The two opposed pumping chambers formed by the elliptical profile of the cam cancel out radial loads on the shaft bearings, thereby giving them extremely long lifetimes. B&C vane pumps can be used into industrial and mobile fields. High displacements and bespoke designs allow vane pumps to be used in lubrifications systems and off-line power packs .B&C cartridges can interchange the most known vane pumps cartridges on the market.

Gear Pumps:

Fully manufactured in Italy, B&C gear pumps are including gr.1, 2 and 3. Wide range of flanges, shaft and ports are available, as well as one directional gear motors. Components are made by high quality raw materials and bushing are equipped with DU bronze material, which allows gear pumps to be used with many different fluids types.

In Line hydraulic valves:

The new range of B&C hydraulics valves offers check valves, relief valves and flow regulator valve. Bodies available in aluminum or steel and possibility to design tailor made blocks.

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