FISE Assoambiente is the Association representing ˗ at National and European level ˗ the companies working in Italy and involved in Municipal and industrial waste management, soil remediation and Municipal hygiene services, a sector, the last one, which represents companies with an annual revenue around 4 billion of euro and almost 39.000 employees. Moreover, the Association carries out its mandate for the conclusion of CCNL (National Labour Contract) of the sector, providing assistance and advice for the application of the CCNL itself and playing an active role in managing the Fund of Supplementary Pensions (Previambiente) and the Integrative Health Found (FASDA) for the enterprises employees.
For over 70 years the Association has been representing the industry of the waste management with the target to allow the growth and the qualification of the sector, witnessed by having requested and obtained, already in 1951, by the Ministry of Interior the “First list of companies with specific suitability technical and financial capacity to perform the Municipal hygiene services” and then in 1988 by the Ministry of Environment, the National Institution of the Register of waste management companies (today’s Albo Gestori Ambientali), among which the Association is a component of the National Committee since its formation.
FISE Assoambiente has always been concerned either with regulations and technical aspects, in order to develop the necessary conditions that enable a fair competition in the market and the investments for the industrialization of the waste sector, intended as the transition from a traditional, small-scale dimension of the waste management to a more comprehensive and structured dimension.
The Association is historically at the forefront, providing, with the greatest transparency and cooperation, know-how and recognized expertise on organizational and technical-scientific content in a constructive dialogue about critical issues with ministerial and political representatives, offering possible solutions for a feasible industrial policy in need for a modern development of the sector.