Wibu-Systems, a security technology leader in the global software licensing market, and CodeLock and Licensing Systems (Pty) Ltd., an information security technology company, have joined forces for CodeLock to offer a novel encryption tool that provides a fast and easy way to secure valuable documents and sensitive digital information traveling across disparate mail servers. With the use of CodeLock’s Encrypter tool and Wibu-Systems’ encryption technology, documents are protected with drag-and-drop ease prior to transmission across the Internet.
Safeguarding sensitive digital information has become paramount in the age of an increasingly mobile workforce. Corporations need to know that their confidential documents are not falling into the wrong hands once outside their organization. With Encrypter, users simply drag and drop a file into the app, in any file format (e.g. ZIP, DOC, XLS, PDF, JPEG, etc.), provide a password, and the file is encrypted. The decryption process follows a similarly minimal workflow. Users can also encrypt plain text for the secure transmission of information such as passwords or financial data. The decryption key is highly secure and only users, or their authorized recipients, have access to it.
Encrypted files can be securely stored on the user’s local computer, on external drives such as USB memory sticks or removable media or can be archived into any cloud storage solution. Moreover, these encrypted files can be sent to clients and customers via any email client, providing maximum security and confidentiality for sensitive data. Upon receipt of an encrypted file, the receiver must then use Encrypter to decrypt the file, using dual authentication and randomly generated passwords.
The Encrypter software package itself is protected by Wibu-Systems CodeMeter technology and its licenses are associated to secure containers, either a device-bound file (CmActLicense) or a dongle-bound unit (CmDongle), which is not only the most secure option but also allows for encryption keys of the protected software to be stored independently of the user’s device. With both container variants, encryption keys can be stored offline, an additional bonus for the user. Alternatively, a cloud license (CmCloud) can be used with the encryption keys bound and stored in the cloud, requiring no physical licenses. All these licenses ensure that the Encrypter software is protected and can only be accessed by authorized users.
Ken Metcalf, Chief Technology Officer of CodeLock, said: “Safeguarding sensitive information becomes a logistical and administrative nightmare when dealing with clients remotely all over the world. There is always a concern that a client’s mail server could be compromised. With Encrypter, our team can share configuration files with clients safely and securely and set up the suite of products on a client’s server without having to be on site. Moreover, Encrypter extends our protection to software templates and client’s equipment configurations, including IP addresses, ports, and even passwords for data connection strings.”
Stefan Bamberg, Senior Key Account and Partner Manager of Wibu-Systems added: “Many individuals and organizations working remotely or with third party clients rightfully worry about securing files that end up on computers or mail servers outside of their control. Recent trends have exacerbated this issue, as more employees are working on home systems, generally without the protections afforded by their corporate IT infrastructure. With Encrypter and CodeMeter technology, corporations can enable their remote workers to conduct business as usual from anywhere with confidence that sensitive information will remain safe and secure.”