XRD Tools

Early stage on site diagnostic tools Micro & Nano Spectroscopies for Buildings and Metallurgic Industries

XRD-Tools s.r.l. was created as the Academic spin-off from University of Pisa, with inheriting the research activity by his founder and leader Giovanni Berti. XRD-Tools is the owner of four families of patents, fifty-six international grants and the graphical continental trade mark
DifRob®; other advances will allow for filing either new or dependent patents. The state of the art is currently based on the consolidated know-how located at the TRL8 on the scale of readiness for instrumentation and products. One hardware and several software prototypes are available for technical services to third parties. One new conceptual innovation is under manufacturing for metrological, instrument calibration and measurement company has developed a rich proprietary knowledge, based on instrument design and proof of concepts, to measure lattice properties at micro- and nano- scale with spectroscopic methods (MNS Diagnostic by X-ray diffractometry and fluorescence, among others); hardware adaptability along with the super-resolution software system constitute the winning synergic equipment, when and where applicable after suitable customization. The positive results obtained from proofs of concept indicate a large technology versatility in different industrial sectors: mechanics, chemistry, buildings and monuments, museum and cultural heritage, bioengineering and medicine, food, forensic application, and other general civil and military applications. Diagnostic procedures are addressed to material analysis, structural integrity assessment, prognostic controls. These controls serve to know the welding quality, surface roughness, porosity, density, coarseness, coarseness dispersion, composition of alloys, friction, cyclic wear, etc. These material properties have their origin at the micro-nanoscale of lattice, where the presence of residual stress, creep ad microstructure influence the lattice rheology to external physical, chemical, mechanical and thermal solicitations. It is of utmost importance to note that all the above are NOT DESTRUCTIVE TESTS performed at an early stage of lattice characteristics modification of the material when compared to appropriate standards, which provide information related to failure prevention and/or forecast applicable to oil & chemical industry, aeronautic, electronic, building and transportation and other as well; several applications have been experienced with our existing pilot instrumentation.

Recently the second prototype of DifRob® have been manufactured. Figure 1 reports the photo with technical indication of hardware equipment. On left it reports the resolution performance of the numerical processing of data; it is worthwhile to note the capability to isolate small signal dispersed in the background and the quality of the peak tale fitting. Table I reports some technical specifications. These improved performances make this instrument easily movable on rough paths as on the industrial plants and at the building sites. To obtain further information on improvements about the technical specifications and related performances we suggest to refer elsewhere [1], to read the achievements obtained with inspecting an industrial plan and ASTM Q335 Grade P92 steel components using the first prototype. To read the performance of the second prototype to investigate creep effect from both ASTM Q335 Grade P92 specimens, implemented according to EN ISO 204 standard for creep investigation, and from Cupper specimens according the same standard. Figure 2 reports the application of DifRob® version 2 to investigate the internal framework of pillar. On right the diagram shows a significant displacement of the signal modulation with reference to the expected value, thus suggesting the presence of important compression effect that is related to static overload. Other profs of concept successfully performed involved a number a different applications and materials: ceiling, bricks, loaded rods, golden money, glasses art manufacture in museums. One important result to mention is the fine results obtained from investigating Ti6Al4V16/10 foils and comparing the microstructural asset at the welding borders with data from Viker micro Hardness on the same foil.

[1] G. Berti, F. De Marco, “Experimental creep degradation curve from
P92 grade steel by on site X-ray diffraction”, Proceedings of ECCC Creep
and Fracture 2014, 3rd International Conference, Rome May 5-7 2014.
[2] G. Berti, F. De Marco, E. Gariboldi, K. Naumenko, “Sensitivity of
on site X-ray diffraction technology to detect creep phenomenon”,
Proceedings of ECCC Creep and Fracture 2014, 3rd International
Conference, Rome May 5-7 2014.