Uniteam | Injection System Technologies

Uniteam Italia is a leading player in the field of design and manufacture of injection moulds for plastic materials and for the engineering of process solutions, mostly for the automotive sector. Located close to Venice, Italy, the company was founded in 1992 by three tooling and process experts with the aim to develop and provide full services in the field of plastic injection. This brought us to develop in the early 1990’s the first 2K injection mould with complex geometry, and then the first auxiliary injection units to manufacture the first 2K applications in the automotive field.
Nowadays, Uniteam Italia is part of the Steel Holding, a pool of companies whose work is focused on technological and industrial excellence. Whereas Uniteam is mainly focused on the automotive and injection technologies sector, our owned toolshop Dynamica srl and its Romanian branch offer high reliability in the manufacture of molds and technologically advanced equipment.
Factory 08 is dedicated to the supply of industrial automations, such as grippers, gate cutting machines, Cartesian robots, quality control and testing systems, automated cells with anthropomorphic robots, welding equipment, working benches, checking fixtures and gauges. Uniteam is specialized in complex, highly technological and especially bi-component injection moulds, produced with core back system, rotational tools and index tools, spin tools, transfer tools, and coreside lateral shift.
We also manufacture stack tools, moulds with high-gloss finishing, in-mould decoration, injection compression moulds, back-injection moulds, gas-assisted moulds. With our three core products for the injection moulding sector, i.e. injection moulds, auxiliary injection units and industrial automations, we are able to provide turn-key solutions to our customers. The products obtained from our injection moulds range from the engine compartment to internal and external parts of the vehicles, excluding only large bumpers, and our customers are the Tier-1 and Tier-2 suppliers of the main automotive OEMs.

Teamwork, reliability and sustainability
Teamwork is our fundamental value. We are a family-owned company and we pay great attention to each single person working with us. Today, 35 people are working in the engineering, marketing & sales, project management, research & development departments, always interconnected with each other in order to adapt very fast to the market requirements and to fully dedicate our work to the customers’ needs. Dynamica srl employees other 35 people and we also cooperate with a widen network of local toolmakers and injection moulding companies. Technological reliability is another key value to us: our products are reliable over time thanks to highly skilled technicians who analyze possible critical conditions to avoid or solve defect and production issues. In addition to this, we strongly believe in the social responsibility of what we do. We work to guarantee a sustainable production process from a social, environmental and ethical point of view. Eco-sustainability, traceability and transparency are very important to us, as we know well our responsibility towards our partners, customers and suppliers. Other important values are fairness and transparency: we manage our relationships with all of our partners with criteria of correctness, cooperation and loyalty, in order to give value to the interpersonal relationships that are the starting point of a good business cooperation.

A turn-key solutions provider for our customers, from the concept to the production line
The design and manufacture of an injection mould start from a careful feasibility analysis of the product from the very first project stages. The aim is to develop, by close cooperation with the customer, a product that satisfies both aesthetical and functional aspects as well as suitability for the intended purpose. We offer to our customers services of co-design and co-engineering of the plastic product, and we help developing solutions that can integrate more parts into one single component, thus reducing the tooling cost and optimizing the production line. We carry out process simulations in our internal R&D department where each plastic part is accurately analyzed with the most suitable type of moldflow analysis. All these analysis steps lead to an accurate mould manufacture, which is the heart of our business.
Moreover, we support our customers with pre-production runs aiming to carry out tool trials in production conditions. Thanks to our wide network of molding partners, we have at our disposal injection machines ranging from the smallest 50 ton to the largest 2700 ton clamping force, thus covering the complete range of our moulds sizes. We also offer dimensional controls of parts or the mould itself with the most advanced instruments (optic-scanners, lasers), so to give the customer a dimensional report according to his specifications of assembly and product functionality. We supply also auxiliary injection units for moulding 2-shot components with a single barrel machine. These units can be applied horizontally or vertically on Uniteam’s multi-component moulds, they are controlled by a dedicated PLC and represent therefore a flexible production equipment. Uniteam counts on a wide range of worldwide cooperations with toolmaking and service partners in Europe, United States and the Far East, to provide competitive molds and on-site service for repairs and modifications near the customer plants.

Quality and innovation
Uniteam has always placed high priority to continuous innovation and a strong future-oriented attitude. Our internal R&D department creates synergies with our customers and technological partners and is always up-to-date with the latest technological solutions. Over the years, we have been constantly cooperating with research centers as well as universities and raw material suppliers. We support our customers with the choice of the proper material for different applications and provide suggestions for each specific case.
We have also developed several internal prototypes: new ideas formulated in our R&D department often lead to patentable solutions. In this sense, also through patent development Uniteam can highlight a lively research and development activity with innovation mood.

Our challenges: technological innovation and higher competitiveness
We work for our tomorrow and the one of the future generations paying attention to develop the intended business purposes with perseverance and coherence. The most recent challenge has been the opening of our completely new manufacturing plant of our owned toolshop Dynamica srl in October 2018. Dynamica is specialized in complex and big size injection moulds, and has become today a completely new plant, equipped with a whole range of new machinery and the most advanced systems for tool manufacturing.
The underlying concept for this new plant is the one of Industry 4.0, with all machines interconnected with the central ERP system to secure lean production, precise planning, faster workings with 24/7 fully automatic machines. Furthermore, the production plant has a controlled temperature that grants tolerance control during tool assembly and fitting in a shorter time without additional reworking. Thanks to this modernization project, Dynamica srl has increased its internal annual capacity to 100.000 manufacturing hours and can manage 10 tools in parallel. This makes Dynamica one of the most competitive companies with the shortest lead-times in its sector.
The increased manufacturing potential of Dynamica consequently paved the way to the necessity to strengthen also the manufacturing potential of its Romanian branch. In fact, the new challenge which we are facing right now are the construction works of a new manufacturing plant in Romania with the aim to widen its tool manufacturing capacity and be able, in the next future, to supply complete injection moulds.

Markets and expansion

The international market (Europe, USA and the emerging markets) is the main operating ground for Uniteam Italia. We are aiming to strengthen our presence to the Eastern European countries which have become a dynamically growing market for the automotive sector. As far as the US market is concerned, we already have a consolidated presence with our products in the US thanks to the presence of our main European customers. As a further development, we are working to intensify our presence directly with American injection moulding companies given the great development the injection moulding industry has recently undergone for the automotive field, especially in the Southern States.

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