METAL SERVICES GROUP is based and active on the market with four companies located in the north east of Italy ( LAB.MET srl , METAL SERVICES srl , NDT SERVICES srl ), and in the Jiangsu Province of P.R. of China ( Suzhou METAL SERVICES Co., Ltd. ). Activity is mainly focused on metals and the related manufacturing processes control. All the units are fully equipped as far as concerns both the testing equipment and the machining capacity necessary to get the testing specimen from the samples sent by our Customers.
The services offered to our Customers are including the following items :
-Failure analysis (corrosion related, structure related, fractography, fatigue, stress related, heat treatment related)
-Chemical composition (optical emission spectrometer, Plasma determinator, C – S – O – H determinators)
-Mechanical and technological testing, high and low temperature
-Metallography and micro structure defects
-Residual austenitemeasurement (XRay difraction equipment)
-Scanning electron microscope analysis (metallographic structures, fractography, phases identification, local composition EDX assisted) -Accelerated corrosion tests ( ASTM, ISO, NACE, etc…)
-Stress corrosion tests -Environmental simulation tests (salt spray tests, Kesternick, climatic cell, humidostatic cell, …)
-NDT – non destructive testing (UT, MT, VT, XRT)
-Welding Engineering support
-Heat treating set-up and experimental heat treating processing
-Samples machining for specimen manufacturing
-Suppliers evaluation (Organization – Equipment –Quality auditing, in process inspection, finished goods inspection)
-Manufacturing processes improving practices
-R&D projects development and supporting
-Deep cryogenic processing (residual stress elimination, wear improving performance, electrical conductivity improvement)
-Tribology tests and wear profile analysis (pin on disk, reciprocating moving)
-Residual stress measurement (strain gauge methodology)